Stem Cell Surgery for Multiple Sclerosis in India at an Affordable Cost

Stem cell surgery for multiple sclerosis is a very delicate surgical process. The patients of stem cell transplants require utmost care with respect to both emotionally and physically. Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants is a very reputed medical tourism company in India that offers world-class medical facilities from skilled surgeons and advanced spine surgery hospitals accessible to abroad patients looking for an affordable price medical treatment. Introduction to stem cell therapy Stem cell therapy is an advanced surgical technique that aims at replacement of diseased or damaged cells with healthy functioning cells. Even though these techniques are relatively new yet their applications and advantages are numerous and surprising. Stem cell transplant has amazed the medical world with every its new researches. Stem cells are generally taken from the bone marrow or human umbilical cord. These basic replicated cells are called as the fundamental cells of our body, they have the power ...