How can I get Gamma Knife Treatment in Bangalore at affordable price?

Gama knife treatment is a type of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). It dosen’t really have a knife,it is a medical procedure, that uses the highly focused radiation beams on the assigned target areas in brain, as the treatment for brain tumors and other types of intracranial ailments. The tumours which are inoperable for the patients or the candidates who are unfit for surgery, now has a treatment which is known as Gamma knife . Gamma Knife treatment can be used when prior surgery / radiation therapy has failed to control the progress of disease. It can also be used as a conjunction with conventional surgery for the previously inoperable cases, other types of radiation therapy and chemotherapy are listed below. It’s our duty to advice patients suffering from: - Brain metastases - Acoustic neuroma/Vestibular schwannoma - Meningioma - Pituitary adenoma - Glioma /astrocytoma - Craniopharyngioma - Hemangioblastoma - Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) - Trigemina...