
Showing posts from October, 2019


What is Spine Surgery? Spine surgery is a medical procedure which is conducted under the supervision of spine experts and advanced instruments to restore the spine alignment. The surgery includes carefully removing the pain-causing herniated disc to stabilize the spine alignments, which results in pain relief. Our spine is an interconnected array of vertebrae from neck to lower back which is co-supported by nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. But when due to some spine disease or injury, the vertebrae become damaged or herniated, it may cause severe pain in the back or even lead to the loss in mobility. So, in this condition, it becomes necessary for a patient to undergo spine surgery to avoid further damage to vertebrae. Why patients choose Bangalore for Spine Surgery? Bangalore is widely known for its technologically advanced and successful medical history.   A city full of world-class hospitals and superior infrastructure has become the prior option f...

India Revolutionizing Spinal Care Through Laser Spine Surgery

Laser spine surgery in India In case you are looking to find treatment from persistent neck or backache, and are ready to get back to the things you like sooner rather than later, minimally-invasive laser spine surgery in India may be the answer. Since 2000, India is offering best facilities in world to offer laser technology for the surgical treatment of spinal stenosis, herniated discs, degenerative problems, and trauma on the whole gulf coast and western nations.  Thanks to this new spine surgical treatment era in India, people suffering from chronic lower back and leg pain can have surgery and experience relief within the same day! Understanding laser spine surgery Laser spine surgery is a minimally invasive spinal surgical treatment that lets in for smaller incisions than general open lower back surgical treatment.  The laser spine surgery technique takes approximately an hour general and requires only one small incision. The laser creates a splendid high pow...

Hydrocele surgery in India - Get Better and More Wide-Ranging Care

Overview: Hydrocele Surgery A hydrocele is a pouch of fluid that forms around a testicle. It happens while fluid builds up inside the layer of tissue that covers the testis. It can be produced by an infection or by injury to the testicle. But the reason is often no longer acknowledged. A large hydrocele can cause ache or swell within the scrotum. Baby boys sometimes have a hydrocele since birth. Hydroceles additionally arise in older boys and men. Once in a while, they form when there's also a hernia present. Hydroceles are fairly common. Hydrocelectomy is surgery to remove the hydrocele. What is the procedure? The procedure takes place with the help of general anesthetic. If an infant has a hydrocele that does not go on its very own, surgeons will wait till the kid is at least 1 to 2 years old before surgery. The procedure depends on whether the hydrocele is communicating or non communicating: Non-communicating hydrocele: Surgeons make an incision within ...

Significant Improvements in Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery in India Will Make Your Life Better

Overview: Artificial disc replacement surgery , also called arthroplasty, is the alternative for a damaged spinal disc with an artificial disc. This disc is designed to support the vertebrae while allowing them during bending, side-to-side bending, and turning. Many artificial discs had been permitted for use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Replacement of disc with an artificial replica to mimic the function of the spine, the natural disc is made during the surgery. This can help lessen a patient’s back pain and risk of other spinal issues and degenerative disc disease down the road. Types of disc replacement surgery There are two artificial disc designs used today: Total disc replacement – Mostly, if not all, the disc tissue, is eliminated and a replacement device is implanted into the gap among the vertebrae. Disc nucleus replacement –Nucleus inside the center of the natural disc is removed and changed with an implant. What are the su...

Top spine surgeon in Bangalore - Best Spine Surgery Hospital in Bangalore

Top spine surgeon in Bangalore - Back surgery can help soothe a few reasons for back pain; however, it's rarely necessary. Most back pains settle individually within three months. Low back pain is one of the most well-known ailments seen by family doctors. Back issues regularly react to nonsurgical treatments — for example, anti-inflammatory medications, heat, and physical therapy. Surgery to treat low back pain can be a far more extensive broad kind of back surgery, with a more extended healing period and a fairly low success rate, than back surgery for a squeezed nerve. If the patient doesn't get lower back help with discomfort following 6 to 12 months of conservative treatment, however, fusion surgery might be a sensible choice. When the patient has the correct signs, low back surgery to stop the motion at an agonizing movement fragment, and expel the pain generator should diminish the patient's lower back pain. Who is the top spine surgeon in Bangalor...

Low Cost Tendon Repair Flexor Surgery in India

Tendon Repair Flexor Surgery  - The tendons are the fibrous ends of the muscles by which they are attached to the bones. When muscles contract, the cord attached will pull the bones and cause the joints to move and help you to make various movements. A tendon injury may occur anywhere in the body wherever tendons are there. The joints most commonly affected by tendon injuries are the shoulders, elbows, ankles, knees, and fingers.   The two groups of tendons in hand are: Extensor tendons  â€“ which run from the forearm, across the back of your hand to your fingers and thumb that allows you to straighten your fingers and thumb. Flexor tendons  – which run from the forearm, through the wrist and across the palm of the hand that will enable you to bend your fingers Whenever muscles in hand are damaged, movement of hand and fingers may be impaired. In such a condition, surgery may be needed to repair tendons to help rest...

Low-cost scoliosis surgery in India - How curved backbones are treated

Low-cost scoliosis surgery in India - Scoliosis is a medical condition in which a person’s spine is curved to a healthy spine. A person will have an S or C shaped curve in their spine. Researches have shown that millions of children and adults are with a deformed spine at the age of 10 to 15 years.   The cause of scoliosis is unknown; about 5% of adolescents are suffering from scoliosis. Small curves usually don’t cause any problems, but the curve that completely changes against its real shape can be bad for a person’s health.  The scoliosis surgery depends on the curvature of the spine, If the curve is higher than 60–70 degrees Scoliosis surgery is suggested by doctors, which are the most complicated and lengthy orthopedic surgical procedures for children and adults. What are the symptoms of scoliosis? When scoliosis is developed completely, then it can be easily seen by uneven postures.   Uneven waist The head may be off-cantered One will hav...