Computer Assisted Surgery India For exact and accurate placement assistance in bone replacements

Computer Assisted surgery Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants having expert team members provides consultancy service for the people who need medical treatment guidance. It is their profession to help people to get good medical treatment at lowest possible prices. They provide a comparison chart for the people along with the facilities available in India and cost for the same treatment in their country. Cost of all medical services is lesser by 70 to 80% in India with an excellent quality and standard par with their countries. Therefore to get treatment in India is the best option; it saves lot of money for the patients. India is a country where all the arts and science forms has reached its culmination. It is a country where medicine originated; first ever known surgery has been done in ancient India. In an ancient Ayurvedic epic “ Charaka Samhita ” various types of surgical instruments used in surgery has been mentioned. Along wit...