Best Bariatric Surgery in Mumbai India – Dheeraj Bojwani Consultant

Best Bariatric Surgery – Overview

The human has always been a social being. With the context of a ‘social being’ comes the concept of ‘social perception’. Meaning, we the humans, view ourselves through the lenses of the societal perspective. Everyone wants to look beautiful for everyone else to see. Everyone wants to look and stay healthy and happy. This search for happiness, beauty, and health has led to a lot of medical procedures to come into existence. These medical treatments enable people to get better both physically and mentally making them more productive and better people as a whole. 

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery, often considered as a lifestyle-altering procedure is a medical treatment which is performed to limit the amount of food intake by the stomach by restricting the amount of food that the stomach can hold, which may further cause the malabsorption of the nutrients. Sometimes both gastric restriction and malabsorption may be used in a combination to achieve better results. People mostly opt for these procedures to lose weight when diets and exercises do not work anymore. The most important benefits of best bariatric Surgery in Mumbai India are the improvement in lifestyle and the confidence boost that is much needed to many people that may make a difference in their mental and physical well-being.

What is the procedure for Bariatric Surgery?

There are different types of surgeries for the treatment of obesity. These are collectively known as bariatric surgery. The procedure for obesity depends on the type of procedure that the person will be undergoing. The multiple types of bariatric surgeries are

What is the Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, or commonly referred to as Gastric Bypass surgery is considered the most common weight loss surgery. In this process, a small pouch is created by dividing the top of the stomach from the rest of the stomach. The first section of the small intestine is divided as well which is then connected to the newly created stomach pouch. This procedure is ended when the top section of the small intestine is connected to the small intestine further down so that all the stomach acids and the digestive enzymes from the bypassed stomach get mixed with the food.

What is the Gastric Sleeve Surgery or Sleeve Gastrectomy?

The Gastric Sleeve Surgery or Sleeve Gastrectomy is sometimes also called vertical sleeve gastrectomy. In this procedure, the new small stomach holds a significantly smaller amount of food than the normal stomach which helps in considerably reduces the amount of food to be consumed. The difference, however, can be seen in the effect that this procedure has on the gut hormones which impact blood sugar, satiety, and hunger.

What is the Duodenal Switch?

This surgery is also called biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. This procedure consists of two surgeries, one being sleeve gastrectomy and the second surgery includes an identical procedure to that of the gastric bypass. The food is redirected to bypass most of the small intestine and the bypassed portion is reattached to the last part of the small intestine. However, this surgery is considered a bit more risky than the rest.

What is Gastric Band Surgery?

This procedure is also called the adjustable gastric band surgery. In this surgery, an inflatable band is placed on the upper section of the stomach which creates a small pouch above the band and the rest of the stomach hangs below. The small stomach will reduce stomach intake and create a feeling of fullness. This fullness is dependent on the opening left by the gastric band. This site can be adjusted by filling the band with sterile saline injected through a port in the skin. The size of the band is reduced gradually with time. The best factor is that the cost of obesity surgery like the gastric band is usually very affordable.

Why choose to have your Braiatric surgery in India?

India has been gaining recognition for being the best destination to have any type of medical procedure done. All the hospitals in India are equipped with the best and the most advanced technology available in the world. The surgeons in India are also famed for being the best in their respective medical disciplines having done complex surgeries in countries like UK, USA, France, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Canada and many more. All the best medical facilities in top hospitals with the best surgeons are available in India at a very low price in comparison to the developed nations.

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