Radiation Surgery For A Brain Tumour – The Success Story Of A Patient From UK

The UK patient success story about Radiosurgery Radiation surgery for brain tumour.

Theo didn’t realize he was having signs and symptoms of a brain tumour. It was only by chance when he found about it. His tumour was discovered accidentally when his doctor ordered an MRI for an unrelated problem. As time went on, Theo found out he’d been suffering the brain tumour’s consequences for quite a while. Theo’s tumour turned into an acoustic neuroma. This non-cancerous tumour at the nerve leading from the brain stem to the ear influences hearing and stability. Due to which he has loud tinnitus and ringing, in his ear since he was a diagnosis, and he had trouble strolling in a straight line. He on occasion felt unbalanced and got dizzy without difficulty, even though it in no way lasted long.

“I never thought there was anything wrong apart from the truth that is just getting a bit older,” Theo says. Theo began visiting neurosurgeons in Liverpool, UK — his home country — and quickly found out two things. The first was that the tumour wasn't lifestyles threatening and he could choose not to get it handled. But, it would keep growing and will subsequently reach his brain stem. The second one was that surgery that ill brings severs damage along. The surgeons Theo met with advised his hearing loss in his right ear was a near certainty. Also, they informed him there had been a possibility of facial paralysis. The surgical operation would additionally suggest a restoration period of at the least a month. With younger children and a profession in face-to-face sales, the risks could have severely impeded his life-style.

So, Theo began to look at different treatment alternatives for his acoustic neuroma — which include gamma knife® radiosurgery; he thought gamma knife treatment was promising but felt uneasy. Then, after getting to know the approach online, Theo found Dheeraj Bojwani consultant whose online reviews found to be very good and their associated neurosurgeons were considerably experienced which made put him at ease. So he decided to contact and called on +91-9860755000 to speak to the case manager, who immediately asked for his previous reports and consulted the best neurosurgeon in India, and he was advised to visit India for the consultation as the radiosurgery radiation surgery cost in India was very low. After several weighing his options, Theo and his family decided to make the long trip to India all his arrangement plans were arranged by the Dheeraj Bojwani consultants.

After reaching India, he wanted to have an immediate consultation with the surgeon, so his appointment for very next day was set up, complete medical case history and a detailed physical examination was done. A series of diagnostic tests including an x-ray, CT scan, MRI, PET scan, his surgeon assured him that gamma knife radiosurgery would shrink the tumour and keep Theo’s hearing to, the surgeon felt differently, despite other surgeons’ insistence that hearing loss was inevitable for him. Theo received treatment the morning after his consultation. During the procedure, hundreds of highly focused radiation beams were aimed at Theo’s acoustic neuroma, shrinking it and slowing its growth. Gamma knife treatment is painless and does not require a surgical incision. 

Theo left the hospital the very same day and spent the following few days in India, sightseeing with his family. He went to a movie a few weeks after surgical treatment and was able to listen with both ears. Today, his hearing to be at the identical degree it becomes earlier than his treatment.  "It has been over six months since my treatment, and I still have no noticeable hearing loss in the right ear," Theo says. Theo chose Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants because it gave him the best services and follow up for the future. And, he thanks Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants for the bottom of his heart for offering radiosurgery radiation surgery cost in India that was very low compared to what he was quoted in the UK.

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